HTMLG - Contact
Have questions, comments, suggestions, or just want to say hello? Feel free to start a conversation!
We are here to help!
Please select an option below that describes your enquiry:
General question
You might find your answer quicker. Please read the Help and FAQ before contacting us or use the email address below.
Using our tool requires the basic understanding of the HTML code. We are happy to respond to questions about our tool but we'll ignore elementary questions that can be googled easily.
Please specify your license code if you are a member.
Question about a license
Lost or never received license code? Please specify your PayPal transaction details or the email you've used during the checkout.
General question? Please attach your document or send the content you're working with if that helps to better describe your issue.
Feature request
Report a bug
Before reporting a bug please make sure that the problem is not only on your end, testing the site in another browser.
Try to fix the problem refreshing the page (CTRL+F5) and disabling browser extensions.
Lost license
If you have payed for the license but never received access to the member's area or you have lost your license we can help you.
Please send us the email address you used during the checkout, your transaction ID, or the exact time you tried to purchase the license.
Educational license request
This offer is no longer available.
We work hard to deliver the best HTML manager for you!